COVID-19 & Legal Services
How we are keeping everyone safe
During this pandemic, with businesses closing and people staying home, the American people have been striving to keep the economy going while still maintaining all safety precautions and laws. Attorney Helps You has been doing its part by adhering to our customers' needs and training our employees to adhere to all CDC & OSHA guidelines. We are doing everything in our power to ensure our clients' safety while maintaining the same excellent legal services you need. We truly want to help our clients, and we are doing everything we can to keep you protected during this pandemic. All our employees adhere to the following guidelines;
- Maintain a distance of at least 6 feet from customers and other individuals, whenever possible.
- Appropriate cleaning practices (i.e., wash hands frequently with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, or, if not available, use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer that contains at least 60% alcohol; sanitize all surfaces workers will touch).
- The proper way to cover coughs and sneezes in accordance with CDC recommendations (i.e., sneezing or coughing into a disposable tissue or rag, or into the elbow crease).
- Alternatives to shaking hands upon entry, and the importance of workers not touching their own faces (mouth, nose, eyes).
- The types, proper use, limitations, location, handling, decontamination, removal, and disposal of any PPE being used.
- Request that any individuals under voluntary or required self-quarantine or isolation or who are experiencing signs and/or symptoms of COVID-19 remain physically separated from the worker (e.g., request that the sick person go into a different room, level of the home, or outside if weather and applicable emergency orders permit), if possible, and communicate remotely with the worker (e.g., by cell phone, through internet-based payments and electronic signature or confirmation that work was completed).
- Ask individuals in the business or home to cover coughs and sneezes.
- We advise our employees to discontinue the service if the quarantined/isolated individual(s) do not comply with the above requests (e.g., not remaining at least 6 feet away, not covering their coughs and sneezes).
- All our employees are equipped with the recommended PPE for the Legal Services and CDC recommendations of gloves and other necessary equipment.
If you are concerned about any of our services or safe practices that may not be listed here, please feel free to call or contact us for more information.